Commercial Break: British Advertising on Screen
Few films capture our hopes, fears and desires in such a compact expressive form as the screen advertisement.
A part of the film story from its earliest days, advertising grew up with the cinema, going on to transform television and colonising the online world with seductive viral videos. Look out for famous faces both before and after they had their big break, and the illustrious names of those behind the camera who, like Ridley Scott and Alan Parker, took their talents into mainstream cinema.
Here are snapshots of what we ate, how we travelled, and the lives we aspired to. But remember: other lifestyles are available.

Heinz Baked Beans : Common MarketHeinz Baked Beans : Common Market
Advert19721 mins
In 1972 Britain entered the European common market full of beans. What could go wrong?

Hovis: Boy on the BikeHovis: Boy on the Bike
Advert19741 mins Location: Shaftesbury
A classic slice of British advertising history, though that hill's not as Northern as it looks...

Guinness - PlinthsGuinness - Plinths
Advert19761 mins
Pete and Dud prove to be stout football fans in this Guinness commercial recalling a great sporting moment - however fleeting.

Rudge-Whitworth - Britain's Best BicycleRudge-Whitworth - Britain's Best Bicycle
Advert19021 minsSilent
A gentleman cyclist learns the error of his ways in one of the earliest surviving British film advertisements.

Little Miss Muddlehead (Rinso Advert)Little Miss Muddlehead (Rinso Advert)
Advert19432 mins
Use Rinso and help defeat Hitler! The soap brand deploys some savvy wartime advertising.

Coca-Cola: Mary HopkinCoca-Cola: Mary Hopkin
Advert19691 mins
Mary Hopkin takes a stroll along the beach in this melancholy Coke ad.

Target - Geoff HurstTarget - Geoff Hurst
Advert19681 mins
England's 1966 hat-trick hero doesn't sweat the small stuff - or at all, according to this deodorant commercial.

Advert193815 mins
See silly slapstick, music, mayhem and a daffy dance-off between a carrot and an onion in this lively colour film advertising Co-op stores.

Daz with the Blue WhitenerDaz with the Blue Whitener
Advert19672 mins Location: Devon
Mrs Cross takes the Daz test but what will the outcome be?

What We Want Is Watney'sWhat We Want Is Watney's
Advert19591 mins
A young Michael Caine bursts on to the scene as a cheeky soldier in this delightful advert for Watney's beer.

Cadbury's Chocolate The Factory in a GardenCadbury's Chocolate The Factory in a Garden
Advert19313 minsSilent
A mouth-watering glimpse of the art and craft that went into making and decorating Cadbury’s chocolates in the 1930s.

Sam Goes ShoppingSam Goes Shopping
Advert19396 mins
Stanley Holloway recounts the exploits of Sam Small, whose wife sends him shopping for... what was it again?

Findus - Pancakes: Pancake Day (Revised Version)Findus - Pancakes: Pancake Day (Revised Version)
Advert19811 mins
The iconic Findus frozen food, a crispy pancake wrapped around a choice of four different fillings.

Fun at RhylFun at Rhyl
Advert19620 mins Location: Rhyl
Cinema advertisement for Marine Lake & Ocean Beach, Rhyl, a popular destination for crowds set on a day's fun on free rides.

Branston Pickle: Advertising AgencyBranston Pickle: Advertising Agency
Advert19570 mins
15 seconds isn't long, you've got to say Crosse and you've got to say Blackwell, and you've got to say Branston Pickle!

Alcan Foil 'fat Chef'Alcan Foil 'fat Chef'
Advert19711 minsSilent
A witty ad for foil and clingfilm products, directed by none other than Lindsay Anderson.

Vistafjord Exclusive CruisesVistafjord Exclusive Cruises
Advert197521 mins Location: Southampton
Enjoy this kaleidoscope of images taken aboard the MS Vistafjord - for an exclusive holiday cruise setting sail from Southampton

Butlin's Has Something for EveryoneButlin's Has Something for Everyone
Advert19651 mins
Family fun at Butlin’s with nothing extra to pay.

Buzby - GossipBuzby - Gossip
Advert19791 mins
Buzby’s mum gossips with her neighbours over a garden fence in this cartoon ad for BT.

Babycham: ClovellyBabycham: Clovelly
Advert19731 minsSilent Location: Clovelly
A couple walk in the pouring rain through Clovelly, North Devon, their journey and feelings narrated in song.

Going Shopping with Elizabeth AllanGoing Shopping with Elizabeth Allan
Advert19558 minsSilent Location: South Kensington
Everyday essentials like brandy, teabags and Tupperware are all on offer at London's most famous store.

Rowntrees Smarties: The Smarties PlaceRowntrees Smarties: The Smarties Place
Advert19821 mins Location: York
A child’s fantasy of being in a place where Smarties are overflowing, and there are no adults around to spoil the fun.

Close-ups of the StarsClose-ups of the Stars
Advert19466 mins
A triple bill of glamour courtesy of Lux toilet soap.

Lyons Maid Lolly Gobble Choc BombLyons Maid Lolly Gobble Choc Bomb
Advert19740 mins
Animated advert for the much loved strawberry ice lolly, with chocolate and sugar balls and a chocolate bar inside!

Son of Plain - Advertising Man's Guide to Tyne Tees TelevisionSon of Plain - Advertising Man's Guide to Tyne Tees Television
Animation & Artists Moving Image196411 mins Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Is comedian Clive Dunn the Don Draper of the British advertising world? Watch this imaginative Tyne Tees TV marketing film and decide.

Castleford Advert 3Castleford Advert 3
19390 minsSilent Location: Castleford
No attempt to sell an idyllic lifestyle here in these two cinema ads for local shops, just a simple warning on the irreplaceability of eyesight.

Ovaltine - TrainOvaltine - Train
Advert19851 mins
Ovaltina will pick you up! With an electronic 80s synth and a catchy theme tune, Ovaltina parachutes in to save the day
Explore further

The Art of Advertising
There's an art to selling, as any ad man or woman will tell you. And Britain's screen advertising has been among the most artistically ambitious of all.

Tastes Great!
A smorgasbord of culinary delights and thirst-quenching refreshment awaits in this collection of food and drink adverts.

Celebrity Sells
A celebrity endorsement is one of the advertisers' most powerful weapons.

The Open Road
Whether you're going by road, rail, air or sea, this collection of screen ads doesn’t just get you from A to B, it offers a road map to an A-Z of desirable destinations.

Near Your Local Cinema
Local goods for local people! Screen advertising wasn’t all national brands and chain stores.

What Women Want?
Caring mums, hard-working housewives or independent, fun-loving 'new women' - the female consumer has long been a target of screen advertising.