Cinema Advertising Comes of Age
The 1930s saw screen advertising find its voice. That wasn't just down to the arrival of the 'talkies', but to the increasing professionalism of ad agencies and production companies.
Through WWII and the postwar austerity years and into the 'never had it so good' 1950s - when it had to compete with the new commercial television service - cinema advertising offered a bigger bang for your advertising buck.

Symphony in Colour (Persil Advert)Symphony in Colour (Persil Advert)
Advert19425 mins
Super soft-sell Persil ad, in the guise of a lush Technicolor essay on colour itself.

Music Hath CharmsMusic Hath Charms
Advert19354 mins
Pratfalls galore in rib-tickling commercial for Bush radios.

The Warning (Gibbs S.R. Toothpaste)The Warning (Gibbs S.R. Toothpaste)
Advert19415 mins
An amazingly complex cinema ad, disguised as a trailer for a film that never existed

Every Man His Own Housewife (Persil Advert)Every Man His Own Housewife (Persil Advert)
Advert19403 minsSilent
This propaganda advert encourages housewives to use Persil, the powder that gives “longer life to your linens”.

Let's Ask the LadiesLet's Ask the Ladies
Musical193723 mins
A Co-op window dresser dreams of his mannequins coming to life in this musical fashion fantasy.

Murder in the AirMurder in the Air
Advert19354 minsSilent
“There is nothing you can beat about the Bush”: the wireless wows in this stylish ad for Bush Radio.

Sketchbook of Fashion (Knights Castile Advert)Sketchbook of Fashion (Knights Castile Advert)
Advert19402 mins
The key word in the book of fashion is simplicity

Aladdin and the Junior GenieAladdin and the Junior Genie
Advert19425 mins
Washing day keeping you from a spin on your flying carpet? This quality cinema features a young apprentice genie learning a helpful solution.

Signs of the Times No.3Signs of the Times No.3
Cinemagazine19505 minsSilent
“The magazine of the screen” takes an advertorial approach, mixing advertising films with entertaining news stories.

Fable of the FabricsFable of the Fabrics
Advert19426 mins
"Gee, old age!" Malicious Father Time doesn't stand a chance against a cartoon cupid armed with a big box of washing powder.

It all Depends Which Way You Look at It (Solidox Advert)It all Depends Which Way You Look at It (Solidox Advert)
Advert19413 mins
Solidox toothpaste is the punchline to a series of questions concerning how things look from various angles.

Signs of the Times No 196Signs of the Times No 196
19454 minsSilent
Looking for some monkey business, a rush job, or some spurious medical treatments? Look no further!

Jumble JumbleJumble Jumble
Advert19452 mins Location: York
As the war comes to an end, and with an expectation that an end to food rationing would soon follow, why not indulge in a chocolate treat?

A Thief in the NightA Thief in the Night
Advert19305 minsSilent
Inspector Fife quizzes Rogers the burglar, and sets a trap with the aid of Persil’s whiter-washing powers.

Change for the BetterChange for the Better
Advert19492 mins
An ageing bobby learns about the Co-op divvy in this gorgeous puppet animation narrated by Stanley Holloway.

Little Miss Muddlehead (Rinso Advert)Little Miss Muddlehead (Rinso Advert)
Advert19432 mins
Use Rinso and help defeat Hitler! The soap brand deploys some savvy wartime advertising.

What's Missing from this Picture?What's Missing from this Picture?
Advert19461 minsSilent
Life is looking up! The war is over and the 'Corona Man' can visit his Corona families once more, door-to-door.

Ace of ClubsAce of Clubs
Cinemagazine19578 mins Location: Billingham
A celebration of the club that refuses to die a new ICI Synthonia Club building rises from the rubble of a World War Two bomb.

Signs of the TimesSigns of the Times
Advert19485 mins
The mark of a good magazine is variety - so here are Mars bars, netball and an ageing but fully functioning Fanny.

Signs of the TimesSigns of the Times
Advert19503 minsSilent
Seeing is believing when you want your whites brilliant white. Old Mother Riley in beautiful Technicolor!

Mousewife's ChoiceMousewife's Choice
Advert19482 mins
An animated ‘mousewife’ finding a way to ease her washing day woes may not be very progressive, but it's delightfully sweet.

Mrs Mopp's BirthdayMrs Mopp's Birthday
Advert19422 mins
Humorous WWII public information film and Persil advert rolled into one, starring the popular radio character Mrs Mopp.

Trawl in ActionTrawl in Action
Government sponsored film195013 minsSilent Location: St Austell Bay
Underwater study film of a trawl in action taken by two Admiralty frogmen cameramen.

Signs of the Times No.2Signs of the Times No.2
Advert19505 minsSilent
A Technicolor magazine treat with movie stars, make-up and handy hints, promoting popular products of the day.

Molar MischiefMolar Mischief
Advert19462 mins
Look out, germs at work! These loveable molar mischief making puppets really dig tooth decay.

Shippam's Guide to OperaShippam's Guide to Opera
Animation & Artists Moving Image19552 mins
Charming fish paste cinema ad

Andrews Liver Salts: Little AndyAndrews Liver Salts: Little Andy
Advert19571 mins Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Little Andy takes the speedy way to sparkling good health in a zippy 50s cartoon advertisement for Andrews Liver Salts.

Put Una Money for TherePut Una Money for There
Animation & Artists Moving Image19563 mins
Barclays advise West African farmers where to keep their money via a catchy song and crisp modern cartoon design.

Signs of the Times No.58Signs of the Times No.58
Advert19414 mins
A curious blue lake, a wonder tablet, a river boat and a picnic essential - sounds like the beginning of a story!

Says SirdaniSays Sirdani
Advert19452 mins
“Don’t Be Fright!” A radio magician with a unique approach to the English language cooks with vigour and cleans with Vim.

Thief in the Night (Persil Advert)Thief in the Night (Persil Advert)
Advert19442 mins
More soap opera than true crime, but this cinema advert is almost as cunning as its onscreen detective.

Changing HuesChanging Hues
Advert19225 minsSilent
Pretty in Pink 1920s style: an innovatively hand-coloured cinema advert for Twink dye.

Cinema Commercial - Candy CushionsCinema Commercial - Candy Cushions
Advert19202 minsSilent
Cinema snacks that don’t leave you with sweet nothing when the box is empty.