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Lord Shango

A desperate mother (Marlene Clark) unwittingly awakens a vengeful spirit when she turns to a cult for help in Ray Marsh’s religious horror.

Drama 1975 93 mins Not rated

Director: Ray Marsh



Billie’s baptism is chaotically disrupted by her boyfriend Femi, who disapproves of her faith. Restrained by three parishioners being goaded on by their minister, he is forced into the baptismal river and accidentally drowns. When a traumatized Billie then runs away from home, her mother Jenny (Marlene Clark, Ganja & Hess) turns to Femi’s Yoruba cult to get her daughter back and unwittingly awakens a long-dead vengeful spirit, Lord Shango.

As Jenny digs deeper into the cult through ritual and horrifying sacrifice, the body count climbs, and the struggle between different faiths reaches breaking point.
