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Black Diamonds - the Collier's Daily Life (1904)
The only two surviving scenes from an amazing Edwardian film about the work of Britain's coalminers.
This is one of Mitchell and Kenyon's most unusual projects, and one of the earliest surviving films suggesting the workings and working conditions of British industry, using constructed narrative 'documentary' technique. It predates by six years A Day in the Life of a Coal Miner, a film long recognised as a pioneer industrial documentary. A valuable discovery, though it's tragically incomplete.
These two items are the only surviving sections of an unusually ambitious film that stands apart from others in the Mitchell and Kenyon collection. Rare and fascinating footage in itself, it's even more intriguing when we realise what's missing. In a 1904 issue of trade journal The Era, the Urban Trading Company (a key early film distributor) advertised an M&K production titled "BLACK DIAMONDS, OR, THE COLLIER'S DAILY LIFE IN EIGHTEEN SCENES." They helpfully listed all eighteen. These are probably the two named in the ad 'Hauling the Tubs' and 'Pit Brow Girls Sorting' (the first shows men and boys shifting coal tubs, the second women sorting coal). How heartrending that the remainder - including underground footage (probably artificial: lighting for real underground filming would be all-but impossible in 1904) and a dramatised accident - haven't survived! The first sequence was in poor condition, but both are precious records of a major industry and way of life, even if staged (the project was probably based at a disused Staffs mine: it's more likely that the well-dressed fellow supervising the men worked for Messrs M&K than for any coal company). Variants of the same story would be told in greater depth by later generations of filmmaker, who would unconsciously echo this film's final shot, picturing the pithead winding gear from a dramatic low angle. It's interesting that the distributor was the company headed up by Charles Urban, whose later Kineto company would produce the seminal A Day in the Life of a Coal Miner in 1910. It seems very unlikely that Kineto were unaware of Black Diamonds.

Miner Miner
Documentary 1950 36 mins Silent Location: Featherstone
Absorbing overview of coalmining in the early years of nationalisation.

Thud and Blunder in Knock off Time Thud and Blunder in Knock off Time
Animation & Artists Moving Image 1964 2 mins
Miners' safety training - marked by stylish animation and gallows humour.

Energy Energy
Advert 1935 42 mins Silent Location: Cardiff/Caerdydd
Coal, between the world wars, makes the industrialised world go round and Cory Bros & Co Ltd, with collieries in south Wales and oil refineries across the globe, is a major player.

Big Pit Big Pit
Industry sponsored film 1978 7 mins Location: Blaenavon
Memories of Blaenavon Colliery, Monmouthshire, as it nears its end.

Guilty Chimneys Guilty Chimneys
Documentary 1954 18 mins
Elegiac sponsored film imploring viewers to "allow the sun to penetrate the haze of ignorance" and relieve British cities of pollution.

People Will Always Need Coal People Will Always Need Coal
Advert 1975 1 mins
Deliriously kitsch recruitment ad for the implausibly glamorous world of coalmining.

China O'Brien: The Reunion China O'Brien: The Reunion
Documentary 2024 60 mins
Cynthia Rothrock, Richard Norton and Keith Cooke reunite three decades on from the groundbreaking martial arts classic.

Women in Action Panel Discussion Women in Action Panel Discussion
Inside Film 2024 28 mins
Action Xtreme - the UK's leading action film studio - hosts this panel discussion with four leading women in action cinema - Soo Cole, Jo Rolison, Jadey Duffield and Ioanna Karavela.

Starve Acre - Exclusive Q&A Starve Acre - Exclusive Q&A
Short interview 2024 24 mins
Daniel Kokotajlo talks to Nia Childs about Starve Acre, his folk horror about a couple digging deep into grief in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales.

Sky Peals - Exclusive Q&A Sky Peals - Exclusive Q&A
Short interview 2024 30 mins
Sky Peals director Moin Hussain and lead actor Faraz Ayub talk to Tomisin Adepeju about their magic realist drama.

Inside the Archive: The Early Films of Michael Powell Inside the Archive: The Early Films of Michael Powell
Documentary 2024 42 mins
Documentary exploring the BFI National Archive’s role in rediscovering and remastering the early films of Michael Powell.

Inside the Archive: The Riviera Revels Inside the Archive: The Riviera Revels
Short documentary 2024 12 mins
Bryony Dixon, curator of silent film at the BFI national archive, explores the origins of a series of comic travelogues, and Michael Powell's involvement in making them.