This film is part of Free

Be a Good Cyclist
Invaluable advice for the careful cyclist in a quintessentially British safety film.
Halt means Stop! Never cut corners, signal clearly and never ride more than two abreast! The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents never rested from its task of highlighting the risks of Britain's roads. This early postwar safety film - unusually for 1950, shot in colour - hammers home its worthy message with only a hint of finger-wagging...

Riding on Air Riding on Air
Documentary 1959 16 mins Location: London
A beautiful and evocative survey of cycling's golden years.

It's a Bike! It's a Bike!
Sponsored film 1983 21 mins Location: Yaxley
A ripe slice of 80s cheese: a lively, rapping cautionary tale for the young cyclist.

Magazine and Review show 1983 5 mins Location: Adderley Park Sta
Riders from the Birmingham Wheels Project show off the tricks and techniques of the new BMX craze.

Riding Abreast Riding Abreast
1940 23 mins Silent
Three carefree schoolgirl cyclists learn the dangers of 'riding abreast' in this quaint cautionary tale shot in idyllic countryside.

Cyclist Turning Right Cyclist Turning Right
Instructional film/TV programme 1983 1 mins
Two young BMX-ers nearly come a cropper in this short and shocking cycling safety film.

Boy and Bicycle Boy and Bicycle
Drama 1965 28 mins Location: Hartlepool
Ridley Scott's first film features his younger brother, the late Tony Scott, as a schoolboy playing truant for the day to meander around Hartlepool on his bicycle, lost in his own thoughts.

China O'Brien: The Reunion China O'Brien: The Reunion
Documentary 2024 60 mins
Cynthia Rothrock, Richard Norton and Keith Cooke reunite three decades on from the groundbreaking martial arts classic.

Women in Action Panel Discussion Women in Action Panel Discussion
Inside Film 2024 28 mins
Action Xtreme - the UK's leading action film studio - hosts this panel discussion with four leading women in action cinema - Soo Cole, Jo Rolison, Jadey Duffield and Ioanna Karavela.

Starve Acre - Exclusive Q&A Starve Acre - Exclusive Q&A
Short interview 2024 24 mins
Daniel Kokotajlo talks to Nia Childs about Starve Acre, his folk horror about a couple digging deep into grief in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales.

Sky Peals - Exclusive Q&A Sky Peals - Exclusive Q&A
Short interview 2024 30 mins
Sky Peals director Moin Hussain and lead actor Faraz Ayub talk to Tomisin Adepeju about their magic realist drama.

Inside the Archive: The Early Films of Michael Powell Inside the Archive: The Early Films of Michael Powell
Documentary 2024 42 mins
Documentary exploring the BFI National Archive’s role in rediscovering and remastering the early films of Michael Powell.

Inside the Archive: The Riviera Revels Inside the Archive: The Riviera Revels
Short documentary 2024 12 mins
Bryony Dixon, curator of silent film at the BFI national archive, explores the origins of a series of comic travelogues, and Michael Powell's involvement in making them.