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Coronation Day Gala

The Bata shoe production town created at East Tilbury in the 30s had gone from strength to strength by 1953 and had every reason to celebrate the Coronation and british success.

Amateur film 1953 10 mins Silent

From the collection of:

Logo for East Anglian Film Archive


MD of Bata, John Tusa had arrived with his family from Czechoslovakia in 1939 to run the Bata factory and ensure the Bata plan for mass production techniques were set up and running to become 'shoemakers to the world'. As well as running a tight ship, Bata believed in a happy workforce and cared for its workers and their families. The Coronation was a great opportunity for the workers of Bata, East Tilbury to all come together and join in the national celebrations.

The wording on the banner at the beginning of this film - 'Long Reign Our Queen' is a charming reminder that Bata was a Czech company and self contained town but also they had a loyalty to the Queen and were keen to integrate and be part of the Essex community. Filmed by one of the MD John Tusa's sons, this film shows the Bata workers and their families enjoying a special Sports Day and Funfair.